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Monday, October 13, 2014

my heart is broken

We had to give up our girls today.  We hand raised our girls from 3 weeks old and put allot of love into bringing up two very sweet and loving Pit Bulls.  I know most people think Pit Bulls are bad dogs.  I know that if there is a bad Pit Bull it is the owner who is bad.  There is no dog on this earth more loving than a Pit Bull.  Our girls are such happy and sweet dogs and would change any ones mind about the breed.   I feel like part of my heart is missing now.  I know we have done everything we could to get them good and loving homes but that is never going to take away the pain in my heart.  When we got the girls we thought that we would be together for a long time.  Bottle feeding them for weeks.  Giving them their shots.  Working with them on how to be ladies. We had 1 year 2 months with them.  They are a very big part of our hearts and having to give them up to go back to Michigan and take care of my wife mother was so very hard.  You must always help family.  We would have taken them with us but my in-law home owners policy would not cover the house if there were Pit bulls on the property.  People really need to know how great Pit Bulls are.  When you raise them in a loving home they are so very sweet, loving and happy dogs.  To ban the breed over bad owners is just not fair to the dogs.  Every dog breed can be bad if the owners is not willing to take the time to train and love the dog.  This is a heart brake that will ease with time but will never fully go away.  I will always worry about my girls and love them.  I will never forgive a world that thinks Pit Bulls are bad dogs.  Today I am hating life and people.  I love and miss my girls Coco-pup and Celee.

Friday, May 23, 2014

up to date

Hello all again sorry for taking so long.  This is just some quick notes on what has been going on.
Had another sail boat hit the reef and sink.  This happens about once a year.  The cut coming into Xcalak is not easy to get in if you do not know how to do it.  The sad thing is that if you call into the town on the radio someone will help you or come and bring you in.

We have new owners of Casa Carolina Ben and Esther. I spent some time with them today and i think they are going to be a great addition to our little town.  I am looking forward to getting to know them both better and helping them adjust to Xcalak living.

Made a new friend named Sarah who is house sitting for Nick and Linda .  Had a great time showing her some of the things we all do to keep our houses in working order.  She is new to this way of life but i think she is a great fit for our town.

Welcome to one and all cant wait to spend more time with you.    As i have said often Life here is not for everyone.  It takes a person with a special personality to handle life at the end of the road.

Update On Coco and Celee.  The girls are doing great.  So full of fun and enjoying a life of new things to play with.  To them everything is a toy even me LOL.  It is always fun to watch them and see the 2 personalities.  Coco is always so happy about everything.  Nothing brings her down for long.  It is just hard to get mad at her.  she just has to much fun with everything.  Coco is the leader.  Celee is the follower.  She stands back and really looks at things she is not sure about. Celee cries if she wants some help or don't like something.  She comes to you if she wants a hug.  She follows Coco everywhere even when she knows it is wrong.  She has such a sweet face and personality it is hard to stay mad at her.  Ok yes we love our girls they are a big part of our lives.